Evaluating an experiment

Although the weather was not very helpful, I consider the photo shoot of The Fruit Experiment as a success. You can find the results on the dedicated project page in my portfolio. In this final blog post on The Fruit Experiment I would like to briefly evaluate the experiment guided by three questions.

Has the experiment brought what I was looking for? Oh yes, it did. As The Fruit Experiment progressed it became easier and easier for me to share my ideas, designs and crafted items with the models. I got more comfortable in sharing and even felt like telling other people about the experiment also. Besides the fact that the models valued the items I made for them, brought inspiration and guided me in making choices, I am very grateful for the result of this experiment regarding my personal development.

Am I satisfied with the results? All items on its own are authentic, fit the model they are made for, and match the level of abstraction I had in mind. The designs got more meaning because of the process and the input coming from the models. However, what could have been better is the fit of all items together as a series/brand.

Would I consider such an experiment again? This depends on the goal of the experiment in the first place. Although I am satisfied with the outcomes of the experiment, this process took a lot of time because I was dependent on the selected models and their availability. At the same time, it were the elements of co-creation that have brought more energy and meaning into the project.

Wrapping up this project feels like closing the loop; around one year after the inspirational museum visit. Thanks again to the models and their dedication. Let’s see what inspiration will come my way next, I will keep you posted.
