A 100 years old…

When looking back at 2017 from an art perspective, there is one artistic movement that comes to mind immediately: De Stijl. Founded in 1917 in Leiden, this highly Dutch influenced (and influencing Dutch Design) movement, celebrated its 100th birthday and that didn’t happen unnoticed. In several cities in the Netherlands that have a historic relationship… Continue reading A 100 years old…

Chinese eye opening

I have never really been that interested in China or Chinese art. To be really honest, my first association with Chinese art is porcelain…Last week I wrote about visiting the Library of Artis, and a visit to Museum Beelden aan Zee is the topic of this second blog in the series of reflecting on the… Continue reading Chinese eye opening

Evaluating an experiment

Although the weather was not very helpful, I consider the photo shoot of The Fruit Experiment as a success. You can find the results on the dedicated project page in my portfolio. In this final blog post on The Fruit Experiment I would like to briefly evaluate the experiment guided by three questions. Has the experiment brought what I was… Continue reading Evaluating an experiment

Ready for the shoot

Although my last blog post was about ‘the icing on the take’, as the photo shoot of The Fruit Experiment is getting closer, some final steps of the process are being completed. All the items of The Fruit Experiment are explicitly designed for individuals, they have chosen the fruit. Nevertheless, the items together form the… Continue reading Ready for the shoot

The icing on the cake

With The Fruit Experiment progressing fast, the last items are being crafted and finished. It is time for the icing on the cake. Now the pineapple design has taken shape as well, all items of The Fruit Experiment are nearly finished. With a theme (fruit) that is closely related to spring/summer and warm colours and… Continue reading The icing on the cake

Fabrication process

This post is a quick (visual) update on how the items of The Fruit Experiment are evolving. As you could read in my last post, I am experimenting with different methods and materials to realise the designs. Some of the items are ‘easier’  than others and go faster to create. For some, it is hard to… Continue reading Fabrication process

Concepts taking shape

The conceptualisation phase took some more time than expected, mainly due to external factors other than the project. But now the fabrication phase has finally started, I would like to share some first experiences with you. When the concepts became more clear during the autumn, time had come to start finding the right pieces of… Continue reading Concepts taking shape

Ideas becoming concepts

As the leaves are turning brown and rain is dropping all day long, time moves on, and so does The Fruit Experiment. Ideas are becoming concepts. After the models had chosen their fruits, I started looking for inspiration, collecting images to create moodboards, tasting pieces of fruits, and sketching the first ideas. During this period, I met… Continue reading Ideas becoming concepts

Models choosing fruit

  In previous posts I have explained the principles of The Fruit Experiment and the reason why I started this initiative in the first place. Now I would like to introduce to you the fruits that were picked by the selected ‘models’.   HUGO – KIWI Hugo chose the kiwi as inspiration for The Fruit Experiment.… Continue reading Models choosing fruit