The beginning – The Fruit Experiment

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This blog is partly intended to share updates on running initiatives. The first creative initiative that I will closely share with you is The Fruit Experiment. This post explains what this experiment is all about.

The Fruit Experiment is all about FRUIT. For me fruit is inspirational in the way it looks, smells and tastes. It is easily accessible for everybody and always recognisable.

The Fruit Experiment is a creative initiative focusing on the process towards design. For this experiment I selected 6 ‘models’ that will join me on this journey. These models have all picked their preferred fruit, and this piece of fruit forms the inspiration for a personal design of a piece of clothing, accessories or other items. These will be designed partly in co-creation with the models themselves, and in the end all models will pose with their items during a photo shoot.

The progress of this project will be part of the initiative, and forms the reason to start with The Fruit Experiment (read more about this in another blog post). Co-creation is one element of the initiative that makes it an experiment. The models will pick their fruit themselves and will be incorporated throughout the design process. The process covers the design phase, but also fabrication is part of the initiative. Nobody knows where this process will go or where it will stop.

In the end I desire The Fruit Experiment to be a source of inspiration. To myself, to the participating models but certainly also to anyone else that is following this blog, enjoyed reading it or is inspired to start a creative initiative himself.